Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Which is Better: a Hot Dog or the Antichrist? A Comparative Analysis

Once upon a time, some American meat plant owner was sitting around thinking, "how can I cut costs so as to make a hundred gillion dollars more this year? Oh I know, after I cut the pay of my workers and lower their pensions, I think It'd be a great idea to get rid of my waste cost because I don't get any return for it."

The "all-American hot dog," once destined for the dumpster, now allows for families to feel better by buying a "cheaper, healthier-because-it's-smaller alternative to a bratwurst or a sausage.

Is this really how it happened? I can't come up with any plausible alternative.

I'm going to be logical and go with the anti-Christ. At least he's supposed to solve the world's problems.

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