Thursday, November 1, 2007

D.A.R.E. To Tell Kids The Truth

Perhaps the greatest modern day hoax is the threat of cannabis on society. Nothing comes even remotely close, except perhaps organized religion, to describing the amount of silly, unfounded, prejudice, alarmist, wasteful, and uneducated information regarding cannabis circulating today. Not even privatized healthcare is quite as awe-inspiring-ly appalling as the war on cannabis, and profiting from someones sickness ranks pretty high on the bullshit meter.

Environmental, Spiritual, Intellectual, Stimulating, Agricultural, Medicinal, on and on and on...

Getting high is like being a kid all over again. It's amazing the hostility towards it, stemming only it seems from ignorance and prejudice. What's wrong with feeling like you did when you were kid again? Like that Twilight Zone episode where the old folks break out of their retirement home so they can go play kick the can and become kids again.

Not to mention the music sounds so much fucking better...

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